Managing Terrorist Financing Risk in the NPO Sector

From November 30th through December 1st, the Project CRAAFT team hosted an online workshop for various Polish stakeholders. The workshop centred on aspects of protecting the Polish non-profit organisation (NPO) sector from abuses for and vulnerabilities to terrorism financing (TF) and involved a combination of interactive lectures and breakout room discussions. The workshop  helped explain and reinforce the different international standards set out by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regarding TF abuse of NPOs and brought together representatives of the public sector, financial institutions, and NPOs to foster dialogue. Given that Poland will have their FATF mutual evaluation and onsite visit at the beginning of 2021, the workshop also helped to explain and improve general understanding of TF risks and responsibilities in regard to NPOs across the three sectors individually.


Overall, the two-day meeting worked to highlight the fact that collaboration and communication between NPOs and their financial institutions is a key step and should be sustained throughout the entire relationship.


Globsec Workshop: Countering Financing of Terrorism Capacity Building in CEE/Western Balkans